Kemal Çelik

professor in the Agricultural Faculty

Kemal Çelik professor in the Agricultural Faculty of Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi (ÇOMÜ). His research falls within different areas such as renewable energy, environmental protection, rational waste assessment, innovative production methods. Dr. CELİ K has been involved in numerous projects as a trainer in Italy, Israel, Hungary, Poland, Denmark, Germany, Portugal and Greece. His articles have been published in many journals such as Sciences, Research Journal of Environmental Toxicology, Bulgarian Journal of Animal Husbandry, Archiva Zootechnica, International Journal of Poultry Science and many symposiums such as ICASAB 2019 International Conference on Agricaltural Science and Business, Educational Research Congress, Thirteenth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Ninth International Congress of Educational Research, Bioengineering of Animal Resources and many symposia such as Lucrari Stinintitice Zootechnie Biotehnologii, Animal Science and Biotechnologies, Asian Journal of Animal Resources. He has nine published books.He can speak English and Russian fluently. Dr. ÇELİ K has served as European projects evaluator to Turkish National Agency